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terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2007

Tuning Cars

Tuning in English means "adjustment fine". Tuning is the art of if adjusting or personalizing vehicles to become them prettier and with an only style. To find equipment for tuning now this each more easy time. Now, to find since simplest adhesives until chromed entire parts of engine is very easy, and this can even though be made without leaving house.

The Tuning can be applied practically the all the components of the car, wheels, tires, interior, would carroceria, suspension, sound, escape system, all these itens can be changedded into tuning, or either, they can be modified aiming at the aesthetic aspect and of the performance and security.

Since 1910 middle when the vendido car more was Ford T, already people existed modifying the engine to have more harness or a more attractive appearance, them did not only imagine where this would go to arrive.

Today we have store and workshops specialized in Tuning, if you fusca "66" will have since one ties a "Shelby GT 500" or a "Ferrari", can find ready parts and professional accessories and also specialized in the art of the Tuning to leave its exclusive car.

Events and expositions exist as the SEMA Show (U.S.A.), Hall of Essen (Germany), Paris Tuning Show (France), Hall of Tokio (Japan), etc where tuning and the accessories for automobiles have a preponderant paper and where the some dedicated companies to tuning show its creations and establish new trends to the market.

Reventón é o «Mais Belo do Mundo»

The Lamborghini Reventón was nominated the "More beautiful Automobile of the World", in the category of special models of the competition with the same name.

The decision was announced by an international panel, presided over for the Italian critic of art Bruno Alfieri. The jury was composed for representatives of reputation of the world automobile and design.

The Reventón was presented for the first time in the last edition of the Hall Automobile of Frankfurt. Its production will be limited the 20 units and, although each unit to cost 1 million of euros (without taxes), already is all vendida.

Koenigsegg CCRX

The Koenigsegg finishes to show the first photos of the CCXR, a porting one that even so it appeals to "a green" fuel is capable to destronar the Bugatti Veyron as the faster automobile of production of the World.

Equipped with a V8 engine of 4,7 liters, in aluminum, endowed with two turbocompressores, the CCXR uses Etanol E85 as combustible, taking the one that debit 1000 horses of power more than (1018 to be more necessary) and 1060 Nm of binary the 6100 maximum to rpm. Impressive numbers that allow, according to constructor an acceleration of the 0 to the 100 km/h in 2,9 seconds and the 400 a superior maximum speed to km/h. In the emitted official notice, the Swedish constructor relate still that the consumption is of 22 liters to the one hundred and that the price of this porting "green" will be of 1,5 million euros.

Mercedes SLR Roadster by Brabus

Known as the maximum exponent in the preparation of the models of the mark of the star, the Brabus goes to present in the Hall of Essen, the test of as the Mercedes McLaren SLR Roadster can still more be exclusive and aggressive who the version that leaves the "atelier" of the McLaren.

To give this roadster of strong emotions a still more aggressive appearance and at the same time to reduce the aerodynamic load under the front axle, designers of the Brabus had developed a spoiler in carbon fiber that if integrates easily in the inferior part of the bumper of "normal" a SLR. The Brabus equally created a diffuser for the back, in carbon, also considered in option that substitutes the origin diffuser. The aesthetic alterations finish with have supper them of light league of 20 counts, "sidewalk" in tires Pirelli or Yokohama 255/30 to front and 305/25 behind.

The "classic" supercharged V8 of 5,5 liters for a Roots compressor gained 24 horses perfazendo a total of 650 horses of harnesses principle to the 6500 rpm, what it allows to fulfill the 0 it to the 100 km/h in 3,6 the 337 seconds and to reach to km/h of maximum speed.

The "hand" of the Brabus also arrived at the poor dwelling place with the adoption of coverings in carbon fiber to the long one of "tablier", consoles central office and doors. The color can be chosen to the taste of the customer.

sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2007


BMW is an acronym of one of the world’s most famous car brands that manufactures luxury cars, performance cars, motorcycles, and has several subsidiaries (Mini and Rolls-Royce) and has been in business since 1922, however it can been seen as being older dating back to 1916 with the two founding fathers of the company – Gustav Otto and Karl Rapp, along with three others who actually took BMW and ran with it through many difficulties: Max Friz, Joseph Popp, and finally Camillo Castiglioni. They originally began with engines for aircraft, then moved on to motorbikes and finally automobiles the same year the roaring 20’s came to a crashing end.

Their first crisis came in 1918 with World War I coming to an end, and the demand for parts, motors, and services ceasing immediately causing BMW to shut down. During the forced closure the company (under the stewardship of Popp) went right back to manufacturing consumer goods meant for a non-military market and soon had engine lines for many different things that needed them (you know, boats, cars, motorbike, the whole thing) until brakes became their mainstay, and they almost became wholly owned by the company they manufactured for… but then came Camillo Castiglioni – who bought back the engine making areas and the patents, and the trademark which were considered ‘insignificant’ for a VERY large 75 million marks.

After doing this he (Castiglioni) took his current airplane engine manufacturer BFW and renamed it to BMW, and the rest follows a pretty straightforward path. They got business from the Russians for engines (The Red Army actually), followed by great incomes from this. Friz and Popp secured the future of the company, and then the motorbikes were manufactured – giving BMW a massive amount of fame, followed by automobiles. The Second World War ravaged BMW and lead to a new kind of crisis – the plants were destroyed, the assets in the east were taken by the Soviets, and they were banned from building anything for three years. Finally just as things seemed better 1959 reared its ugly head – they almost were sold to Benz. Instead there was a change in heart, and the man with the chips Herbet Quandt bought 50% of BMW and flipped the company around. Four years later and the company were again in the black. Today they are constantly expanding and growing.


Bugatti was founded by an Italian man named Ettore Bugatti, and his little car company was known as one of the best car manufacturers for motor racing in the world having taken many land speed records and won many grand Prix races across Europe – and also winning the first Monaco Grand Prix. This success lasted the company all the way to 39 with consistent showings at rallies and races, culminating with the 1937 and 1939 win of the Le Mans.

They were originally designed to be super vehicles fused with art and with precision, having finishes done by hand on even the engine block, and even the most mundane safety wires being worked through the vehicle in a visually stunning manner. Between 1921 and 1939 Bugatti’s wont more than forty race events and were considered the best in the business. Tragedy struck with Ettore’s son was killed in one of his cars while testing it in 1939, soon after the income that was being made dried up and then World War 2 came along. They lost the factory, the land, and were decimated. Then another son, Roland Bugatti, tried to bring it back in the 50’s, to no avail – but he did not give up.

In the 80’s Bugatti had largely been regulated into airplane parts and other such things, with the previous decade having seen Bugatti and another company Messier being combined to make Messier Bugatti, however in 87 an Italian named Romano Artioli bought Bugatti and formed a new company named Bugatti Automobile SpA. Following this the new company built a new factory in Italy and new designs were on the table. It was a new super-car, touted as the most technologically advanced vehicle of the time ever created and made, then as if it couldn’t seem better Artioli bought Lotus, the other big racing name – but recession doomed the effort, and in 95 they discontinued production. For a while the name lay dormant, until a most familiar name came along and bought the company and the rights to use Bugatti. Volkswagen. Currently they are producing prototype super cars and preproduction super cars that can reach over 250 miles per hour – and many more will be built for the collector and luxury markets soon.


David Buick founded the Buick Company in 1902, and in 1904 it was taken over – he was bought off and died two decades latter, none the richer for his effort. His main claim to fame is, however, that he developed a new kind of engine head called the “Overhead Valved” engine. What made this such a revolutionary invention was that is placed the camshaft inside the cylinder block, and then used rods above the head to engage the valves. These engines are smaller, less complex, and reduce service time in the event of a breakdown – however there is a limitation on the rpm it can produce and the design flexibility in the cylinder head. However, Buick’s little company lived on and soon became the biggest manufacturer of vehicles in America; having succeeded in all of these elements the mastermind William C Durant called his new conglomeration of companies “General Motors”. Buick was marketed and produced in the beginning of this conglomeration as the high entry level luxury vehicle that only Cadillac could beat (as Cadillac was meant as the higher up name and vehicles).

Currently Buick is one of the oldest names in the world for cars, but its close cousin and fellow GM brand Oldsmobile has been cut and killed – and many fear the same fate lies in store for Buick in order to cut costs… besides that though the Buick has been the second class luxury vehicle (second to the number one Luxury brand Cadillac) produced by GM for the richer but not opulent price range of buyer. They began consolidations in 05 of their lines a full century after Buick was founded, killing off the Regal and Century, and then replacing those two with the LaCrosse. Then they killed off the Park Avenue and slapped on the Lucerne last year – and further cut more vehicles this year with the discontinuations of their two SUV lines – Rainier and Rendezvous so that next year they could bring about their newest line for SUVs called the Enclave.


Cadillac is the highest of the high class vehicles sold by General Motors, with Buick being second to it (as another GM class and brand of vehicle line). The Cadillac Company was created from the burning remains of the HFC (Henry Ford Company) and the company was dissolved. Intent on liquidating the plant in 1902, the two fiscal backing investors Murphy and Bowen asked an engineer named Henry Leland to price the items to be sold – instead he convinced the two to keep going, and use his new engine. Thus they renamed the company and it got the name Cadillac. Within a decade it was already making finely engineered vehicles that were the epitome of luxury vehicles and actually set the standards for many things, such as being the very first to use electric starters on the engines which replaced the often arm-breaking engine crank – followed by being the first to use the V8 engine in 1914, not to mention using electricity to light the lights rather than a lantern using fire. Later in the 20’s they decided to use a designer to make the car look nice first, then incorporated shatter-resistant glass a year later, followed by automatic transmissions instead of manuals, and a V16 engine.

In 1909 it was incorporated into GM and then suffered extreme low sales in the depression of the 30’s. After this they bounced back by changing their often racially segregated auto sales by allowing anyone to buy a Cadillac (hard to imagine that could happen – but it was the 1930s) after these policy changes and other changed Cadillac remained the only automobile brand to earn a profit in the depression – and sped up production while reducing costs by being the very first to use Phillips Screws and Drivers. Today Cadillac remains on the cutting edge and as one of the highest quality auto brands in the world on par with the oft coveted Rolls Royce.

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