The Koenigsegg finishes to show the first photos of the CCXR, a porting one that even so it appeals to "a green" fuel is capable to destronar the Bugatti Veyron as the faster automobile of production of the World.
Equipped with a V8 engine of 4,7 liters, in aluminum, endowed with two turbocompressores, the CCXR uses Etanol E85 as combustible, taking the one that debit 1000 horses of power more than (1018 to be more necessary) and 1060 Nm of binary the 6100 maximum to rpm. Impressive numbers that allow, according to constructor an acceleration of the 0 to the 100 km/h in 2,9 seconds and the 400 a superior maximum speed to km/h. In the emitted official notice, the Swedish constructor relate still that the consumption is of 22 liters to the one hundred and that the price of this porting "green" will be of 1,5 million euros.

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